Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The little things you do together

Yesterday’s therapy brought new levels of achievement as Ted was able to do his right arm “skateboard” exercises without the skateboard. Though the fingers (and toes) have not awakened yet, he is able to voluntarily move the lower part of his left arm. When he and I practiced the resistance exercises (I hold up his lower arm and he pushes back at my force) there was a lot of push back (in this case a GOOD thing!).

He is hoping to get his assistance level upgraded regarding his ADLs (activities of daily living) to have no assistance with certain tasks (including using the washroom). Right now they are on standby to be sure he doesn’t fall but he is able to stand and “do his business” with no assistance. (Hopefully that is not TMI for anyone!).

Thanks to all of you who continue to shower Ted with fun Cubby gifts. You are way too generous!.

His latest are the “Holy Cow” from our friend Cynthia Rogers and Ted’s very own Number 14 Cubby Bear (A Vermont Teddy Bear in a Baseball uniform, cap and bat with Ernie Bank’s number and Ted’s name on the Jersey) thanks to our friends at Lighthouse Technology. (Thanks Cyn, Lou and company!) Ted’s ready to “play two” as Ernie used to say – we just have to get him back in shape and ready to go!

Thanks to everyone who comments on the blog. Mary is great to do the daily posts and it makes us so glad to know so many people are checking on Ted’s progress.

Michelle & Ted


  1. For me it has now been over 15 months since my stroke and I'm just getting the ability to move toes. Thankfully those are less important than legs, arms and hands. Keep up the good work Ted!

  2. Hi Ted & Michelle~
    I have been following your "unexpected journey" (as I think Michelle described it) and am happy to see your progress! I didn't know of your connection to The Summer Place (how did I miss that?) - Hannah might audition for Kiss Me Kate. I think of you both often, and send love and best wishes for continued amazing progress! Chris Hudson
