Sunday, July 19, 2009

This week's update begins with Ted's continuing connection with co-workers and the trip to the American Library Association's national convention. Luckily ALA was in Chicago this year so it was a short trip. Ted and loyal assistant Dale went to McCormick place meeting up with fellow librarian Rich Chartrand (from the East Alton, Illinois - near St. Louis). A grand time was had by all as they harassed vendors and became the center of attention for Paula Poundstone's stand up comedy routine. Why Paula Poundstone doing stand-up at a library convention you may ask (I did!). She is a staunch supporter of libraries and a friend of ALA (not to mention a big draw for the vendors to get people into the exhibit area). Amazingly enough, Ted's blood pressure remained normal in spite of the visit with one of his "favorite" library vendors (those of you who work at DGPL can probably guess the vendor!)

Therapy continues to get Ted ready to go back to work by having him do tasks that he will need to perform at work including pushing a cart filling it up with various items including lots of practice stooping to get items off low storage shelves and moving them to the cart. As Ted circled around the rehab center's main corridor he took on the persona of Charlton Heston in the Ten Commandments (the cart has a tall rod on which to grab). Ted was heard saying he felt like he was parting the Red Sea. (Where's your Moses now?). Work on getting the left arm back in shape included working on an "arm treadmill" in which both arms had to work together to move a wheel. He was able to keep up the arm drill for 7 minutes - quite a long time for the first time using this device. Ted had his first meeting with the Marion Joy Rehab doctor (Dr. Sharma) who seemed pleased with Ted's progress and will, we hope, write the official prescription for the single tip cane this next week. (So far Ted has been using the cane during therapy and at home as a "loaner".) Ted is still "on track" to return to work in early September and we expect him to be scheduled this next week for the "behind the wheel" session in his progress toward being able to drive again.

As an additional part of Ted's rehabilitation he connected with Janet Bowen, a yoga therapist and instructor (and in case you noticed the last name - yes she IS related to Ted's boss - she is Christopher's wife). Janet and Ted are working on some breathing and relaxation exercises as a part of Ted's plan to rejoin our Downers Grove First United Methodist Church choir in the fall. Marion Joy does not have yoga therapy. We are hopeful that Ted's experience with Janet will lead to a connection between Janet and the rehab facility.

Outings close to home this week included the Summer Place's "Godspell" sing-a-long (lots of fun, wish the audience had been larger but a great time had by those of us who attended - Chicago area readers take note - there will be a "Kiss Me Kate" singalong August 5th - see you there) and the Friday night performance of the show. Wonderful cast and a great production. Congrats to all involved. It was terrific to see so many friends at the singalong and at the Friday performance.

Michelle continues her work with Kensington, International as she transitions to her next career. She is also doing a lot more cooking since her commute to work (yes - career transition is work - it's a full time job!) is much, much shorter. We have enjoyed grilling together when the weather has cooperated.

We've attached a few pictures from our adventures over the past few weeks -
Ted and assistant Dale with Ted's "pimping" cane.
Visit to Wrigley Field (great view - poor outcome)
Ted at Sarah and Josh's wedding reception (cooling off on the porch after "Wild Thing" karaoke)
The happy couple with Mom and Dad, brother Joe, sister Laura and brother-in-law Jonathan

Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers, good wishes and support.

Michelle A. Waltmire
1706 Fairfax LaneOakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Home (Land): 630-792-0853

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